Technology is going to be the death of me. This past week we have replaced an old TV with a “smart” TV, bought a “smart” phone to be compatible with the new wireless networks, and a new laptop. None of these items came with a users manual. Had to search the internet web sites to find them and then they weren’t specifically for my item, and all had at least 100 pages containing all kinds of features, options, and settings most of which I’ll use once and then not again for months when I won’t remember what I need to do.

Now simultaneously trying to get all three setup and usable. TV most important as wife goes spastic without it. In my mind what settings go with which item get all jumbled up and I try to enter a setting for the phone that is for the laptop and a laptop setting for the TV. Confusion reigns and extreme frustration sets in. Then you get to the point where they are all working though maybe not as well as you would like then BANG – the AT&T TV service streaming over the internet starts off saying I am not a subscriber although we have been using it for months and paying for it. In fact, my wife was using it earlier in the day.

So I go off into cyberspace to the appropriate AT&T web site and login. Low and behold – “Wrong userid or password” although I’ve never changed them. Have to prove who I am and create a new PW. Get past that and go to the online chat where I explain my problem several times. They ask for my userid which I provide. They say they will send a code to my email so we can continue. Go to my email, retrieve the code, and try to return to the chat. “Sorry we are expierencing techincal difficulties. Try again later.”

My wife says she has hidden all the guns until I quit screaming, cursing, and pulling my hair out (difficult, as I have none to start with). For 36 years I programmed computers of all kinds, worked on installing networks and communication links, installed and activated new systems locally and around the country, but I never ran into such situations as people have to face to use all these gadgets we’ve surround ourselves with. Need some Knob Creek.