All posts by lousplace

Eclipse? What Eclipse? Oh, That Eclipse

The Great American Eclipse occurred this past August and a lot of folks were able to view a total solar eclipse within a 75 mile swath from Oregon to South Carolina.  Many others not in the swath would see a partial eclipse.  We live just outside the prime zone and had planned to travel southwest a bit to a place where we could see the totality, as they were calling it.  Well, you know the old saying about mice and men.  Circumstances kept us at home, but we did see probably 97% coverage.

Although we didn’t see totality, I thought I would check in with some of my “family” who where in the zone and see what they thought about it.  I first called my Aunt Nora and Uncle Joe.  Aunt Nora said it reminded her of sex – a big buildup along with anticipation and then it was all over in less than two minutes.  Joe said he couldn’t remember sex, but it did bring to mind standing in line at Disney World for an hour for a one minute ride.

Next I called Uncle Clyde and Aunt Millie.  A bit of info on Clyde.  He says he doesn’t watch, listen to, or read the news anymore and it has made him a much happier man.  He figures all he was getting was mostly BS they wanted him to have and since it didn’t affect him directly, he wasn’t going to waste his time.  I think he might have something there.

Because of his boycotting the news, he didn’t know about the eclipse.  But  Aunt Millie kept telling him he better get outside or he would miss “it”.  He wasn’t sure what “it” was, but she was insistent so outside he went and sat himself on the front porch to wait for “it”.

Now Clyde says that after a bit it started getting darker and darker and he went back inside to get his flashlight.  He says by the time he found the flashlight along with some fresh batteries and got back outside, the sun was shining.  He supposes whatever Millie had wanted him to see had happened while it was dark and he missed “it”.  He wonders why anyone would schedule something during a period of darkness anyway.   Probably one of those idiot news people.

One last thing, NBC while plugging their coverage of the eclipse kept referring to it as an “event decades in the making”.  I kind of believe it was much longer than that and it was put in the works when God created the heavens and the earth.