Trump would like to make Daylight Savings Time Permanent. No more clock changing. Finally a reason for me to vote for Trump.? In 2016 I was a Ted Cruz supporter, but Trump became the nominee. I didn’t know what to expect, but I followed Reagan’s old rule to vote for the most conservative person on the ballot who has a chance to win. I’ve been happy with my vote.
Is Trump a conservative? There are those who say he is a populist. Maybe that’s true, but cutting taxes, getting rid of useless regulations, protecting the borders, putting the interests of the country first all seem pretty conservative to me. While the debt continues to grow and we continue to even outspend record amounts of money flowing into the treasury, that is a problem shared by the congress and the president.
In 2003 I quit calling myself a Republican (I had switched from Democrat to Republican in 1969 for reasons I won’t go into) and quit donating to the party, but rather to individual candidates. I switched because with the 2000 election Republicans controlled both houses of congress and the White House. Did they do all the things they had promised to do for years only if? A big fat NO. Not only did they not keep their promises, they expanded the size of the government. The Never Trump members of the Republican Party could never nor would they have tried to accomplish what Trump has in three years.
I will be voting for Trump again this year for many reasons, however I have never voted a straight party ticket. I don’t believe you should even be allowed to do that. I look at each position being filled and the candidates and using the Reagan rule make my choice. That usually results in my vote being cast for a Republican.