Grand “Reopening”

Some years back I started up this site and blog for several reasons. First to see if I could do it. Secondly to have a place where I could freely speak my mind about anything and everything. I’m sure that as you read this, it will probably cross your mind, “Who in the hell cares what this guy thinks or says.”

The first few years I posted quit often, but has been very little over the past year or so. I canceled my Facebook account because of their censorship and because they had become a mouth piece for the Democrats.

I tried a few other “social media” sites, but most were just echo chambers espousing the same ideas. One had a lot of people who hated Jews. They claimed to be Christians and Patriots, but I’m skeptical. Another was mostly commentators posting their views on the site. There we quit a few I whom I liked reading their thoughts. But I couldn’t find any left wingers to debate with.

Knowing that a great number of these folks hang at FB, I decided to rejoin. To this point, the only ones I’ve been able to argue with is FB’s so called “fact checkers” and at some point I envision being suspended or removed. So, if it comes to one day you say: “I haven’t seen that Coyner fellow on FB lately.” Please visit at Lou’s Place. I know most if not all of you won’t really care. I totally understand. When I quit FB, not one of my FB friends contacted me to inquire as to why I had left.

I intend to post more often and my own views about the BS going on in this country. Please join me and leave your views and thoughts.