It seems every politician running for some office or other is always declaring that she or he will fight for me. If they are not in the military, I do not want them fighting for me. They don’t know me from Adam so that is all nonsense.
So candidates this is what I would like for you to do:
a. Understand the purpose and obligations of the position you will hold if elected.
b. Be serious about the oath you will take when sworn into office. When you take an oath, you have made a a solemn obligation. Breaking that oath makes you untrustworthy and unfit to hold office.
c. Remember who you are representing regardless of the office – We The People and not this group or that group.
d. Be concerned about what is best for the country and not gaining and keeping power.
e. Be a person of principle. Don’t say I’m this or I’m that to just get votes and then do the opposite.
f. And finally, understand the proper role of government. It is not to rule over me, but to protect my God given rights.