There was such joy and jubilation on display in front of the Supreme Court Building when the court’s decision to overthrow the Texas common sense restrictions on abortion providers. You would have thought the pro-abortion crowd had won a large Power Ball Jackpot and in a way they had.
Now all the store front abortionist are free to offer their service without regard to concern over good medical practices. Just kill the baby and don’t worry about any medical emergencies that may arise. Don’t worry about any complications that the woman may have. Don’t worry about providing a environment free of bacteria, cleanliness, or sterile equipment. Now free to destroy the unborn and make a profit. Women planning to have an abortion can now be free of any burden such driving a few extra miles. Just hop on down to Joe’s Garage and have the deed done.
In my mind it really points out the fact that the pro-abortion folks are not concerned about women’s health at all. Just in killing the unborn and keep the money coming in.
The Vitae Foundation issued a statement on the court’s ruling that is worth reading and can be found at