The Only Reason I Would Vote for Trump for President

Prior to Justice Scalia’s death, I had intended not to vote for Donald Trump if he were the Republican nominee and I surely wouldn’t vote for Clinton under any circumstance.  I would either not vote or I would write in someone.

My reasoning was that on most issues Trump and Clinton don’t differ much and both would be a disaster for the country.  Clinton is an avowed progressive and Trump’s record over the past 30 or more years puts him in much the same category.  His new found conservatism is very recent if he is in fact now a conservative.  I happen to think otherwise.

Trump or Clinton

But with an opening on the Supreme Court, it puts another light on it.  If the Republican senate doesn’t cave and holds off and lets the next president make the nomination and if that person is Clinton, then we could shelve the constitution as it means nothing to the liberal justices currently on the court nor would it to any Clinton nominee.

However, if it is a President Trump making the nomination, I would only hope that he would select someone who has the same judicial philosophy as Scalia and preserve a court that at times actually upholds the constitution’s original text and intent.  It’s probably a longshot, but the only one that would be available.