Observing and Venting

(I’m taking a hiatus from posting on Facebook. Instead I’ll be ranting, raving, and observing here at lousplace. I’ll post a link on Facebook for anyone who might want to read. Comments can be made at lousplace if anyone wishes to do so.)


About ten days ago, all employees at a Tyson processing plant in Arkansas were tested for Covid-19 and 100 tested positive. Of those 100 all were classified as asymptomatic. Not a one showed any symptoms. I find that strange and should lead an inquiring mind to maybe question the tests accuracy. Would “false positive” be at work here? Or could it be that the virus is weakening.

I’ve noticed that many of the protesters running around pulling down statues, defacing buildings, and throwing projectiles of various sorts at the police are mostly young white people. They carry their “BLM” signs and chant the tired, old slogans. I wonder how many of these “protesters” have spent any time at all in researching what the BLM organization is really about. If they did they would discover that the organization doesn’t give a crap about black lives. They are a group founded on Marxism and they use certain incidents such as a black individual being killed by the police as an excuse to burn, loot, and murder to promote their real agenda which is to change our system of government.

This is a condemnation of our schools where such things as Civics and truthful American history are no longer being taught. It is a condemnation of colleges and universities that have become indoctrination camps filling young minds with hate for American, our system of government, and our economic system. It is a condemnation of the press, media, and entertainment industry that pushes the same theology onto the masses.

Rants and Raves

If you live or run a business in or near a city controlled by Democrats, you might want to think about who is going to protect you if the rioters and out of hand protests happen to show up on your door step. From watching what is happening around the country, don’t expect much from the police (their hands have been handcuffed, no pun intended), state National Guard, or our military. It seems that all these government entities do is standby and mostly watch the arsonists and looters do their business. Even some of our military leaders in Washington are mortified that they might be called on to protect us.

Thugs and hooligans are even allowed to take over whole parts of a city and many of the mayors and governors are alright with it and encourage it. They do nothing to restore order.

When the government who is supposed to protect life and property won’t – who do we turn to? I say it’s ‘We the People’. What other choice do we have? When will we say enough is enough? If the government won’t do its duty, then we should be prepared to do it ourselves.