The Duplicity of Gun Manufactures

There is a lot of misleading and false reporting on the Nice, France terrorist attack that killed 80+ people and injured many more. I believe the falsehoods we are being told are being orchestrated by the gun manufactures to divert attention from themselves.

We are told that the terrorist used a large truck to run over people gathered to watch fireworks as part of the celebration of Bastille Day. This is obviously false as the dimwits in Congress and the White House have explained over and over to us that these things only happen through the use of scary looking rifles and if we ban these weapons we will prevent these things from happening.

Well nice try Smith and Wesson, AR, Ruger and all you other gun producers, but we are on to you and your attempts to create calls for legislation to control truck sales. For background checks and closing loopholes at auto shows where trucks are being sold. But you are not getting away with it no more than the manufactures of pressure cookers, fertilizers, diesel fuel, and matches did.

Gotta run. Need to find a place to hide my truck just in case these lies carry the day. But maybe I should trade it in on a Chevy Volt and make them think I’m a Greenie. That just might do it.