I can’t remember a time when we have collectively lost our minds over something, though new, we know little about. The so called Corona Virus is indirectly causing people to become totally irrational. Schools are being closed with zero evidence that anyone in that school – student, teacher, administrators have contracted the disease or has been in contact with a contagious person.
A university in St. Louis, MO announces that they are canceling in person classes and learning will be through online instruction. No cases there either, but it just so happens the school is already closed for spring break.
And then there’s the stock market. Holy moly what a frenzy of selling. Because of what? They don’t have a clue, but somehow the big traders have concluded that every business and industry is going to suffer severely from this virus and again with no evidence to support such a conclusion other than supposition. Sell, sell, sell. I say buy, buy, buy. I’ve bought a few shares over the past week or so and intend to buy some more.
And then there is the media with their wall-to-wall coverage of the Covid-19 as it’s now being called. Theory after theory, opinion after opinion, claim after claim that adds gasoline to the panic firestorm.
Of course we shouldn’t leave out the wonderful Democrats who have absolutely no solutions except to criticize others who are hard at work on slowing down the spread of the virus, treat those who test positive, and develop a vaccine for prevention. Oh how quickly they politcalized the problem in hopes that it will be to their benefit in the 2020 elections. How happy they are that the economy will be adversely affect. The pity of it.
I’m not making light of this virus as it seems to be most lethal with elderly people with other health issues. But for otherwise healthy people it doesn’t seem to be life threatening. Similar to the flu and as with the flu following common sense measures will reduce greatly the chance of becoming infected and if infected doing about the same things you would do if you had the flu. These have been well publicized for this virus and for years during flu outbreaks.
- Stay out of crowds.
- Avoid personal contact with others such as shaking hands. Instead, just do an Obama and give people a quick bow.
- Wash hands frequently.
- Keep from touching face.
Most important, if you have symptoms, stay at home, call your doctor, and get tested if your doctor feels that is necessary. Take responsibility and do not spread the virus to someone else.